
The weekly musings of one kErrY kOMpOsT, (financially) struggling musician, freak, whatever.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Hello, and thanks for visiting my weekly blog -- congratulations for finding me! Ugly old M-Blog started charging for their services (charging -- the nerve! Now the only free thing I can get on the internet is music, porno, literature, boo hoo, etc.), so here I am at Blogspot, completely naked under all my clothing. Here's hoping you'll continue to visit me every filthy week; I really enjoy seeing you here, smelling the fresh roses you bring me, and those chocolates! Thank you! This week's entry is REALLY boring -- just thought I'd warn you in advance. Last week I composed and recorded a pretty cool guitar solo for "Part 3" of my Neal Morse-influenced epic; the solo plays over a 32-chord sequence and was a little bit of a bitch to work out, but fun to do nonetheless. It's really my first true solo 'playing over changes' (at least playing over this many chords, and they're constant shifting), so I'm happy. I was really going for a Lyle Workman "Rising of the Mourning Sun" kind of vibe, or a Mike Keneally "Dee 'n A" feel -- you know, the guitar solos that close out those two songs (of COURSE you know those songs, right?). As per usual, I came nowhere near nailing anything even remotely as bitchin' as those guys did on those two tracks, but it's not for lack of trying (lack of talent is more like it). Also last week, I spent a little quiet time on the acoustic guitar learning a version of Neal Morse's "Land of Beginning Again", a sweet little song that is a blast to sing. Yes, I've been singing a lot more lately -- getting out of the singing-less rut I've been in since I stopped performing earlier this year -- mostly because I needed to start learning harmonies for the Tribeca tunes (which, by the way, is going pretty good if I do say so myself, we've been rehearsing a lot lately and really tweaking out the material), but also because I need to prepare for next month's kOMpOsT recording sessions with Nelson Bragg (we're gonna record a couple of my tunes for the upcoming Tribeca full-length). Oh, and by the way, the Tribeca website has now had over 5,000 requests for the free promo -- did you get that, indie labels? What else? Oh yeah, I came up with a real barn-burner of a riff the other night (think a much tamer version of Keneally's "Lhai Sal"); it's been awhile since I wrote a flat-out shredding tune, and this riff appears to be the starting point, the germination of a wack idea, and I'm happy that this riff dropped out of the cosmos and into my head/hands. Last weekend, Nipper and I laid low on Friday night, then partied down Saturday night at our friend Camilla's birthday party -- thanks, Camilla, we had a blast! Overall it was a very nice relaxing weekend, spent largely in bed, snuggling, watching WifeCrime network (the coach did it!) and just being all silly and snuggly (hey, that's what we do!). This week looks to be a blast: on Friday, not only is Adam Marsland's Chaos Band playing a "70's Super Soul" set at Taix (along with The Lullabies), but Nipper is 'special guesting' on bass with W.A.C.O. later that same night (at Spaceland) as W.A.C.O. presents a unique tribute to the music of The Negro Problem (note: The Negro Problem will NOT be playing this show!). None other than Mike Randle will be opening this show, so get there early! Then, on Saturday, there's a warehouse party that sounds like fun; email me
for info. Other than that, I have a couple of Tribeca rehearsals this week, and I also plan on working on the barn-burning riff idea I mentioned above whenever I can squeeze in the time. Oh, and I have a little shopping to do for the holidays -- yawn. And that about brings things to date. Again, thanks for following me here, I do appreciate it. Until next week, remember: architecture is frozen music, so build yourself a gingerbread house at the North Pole today (and keep your hands off Santa!). xoxox kErrY xoxox

Monday, December 15, 2003

Papa's got a brand-new blog. The freaks over at M-BLOG.com went and got all pay-per-use on me -- flock that! So, here I am, and here I be. Loving you, blind.

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